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Rule of Life from St. Alphonsus Ligouri

RULE OF LIFE (Abridged)


On rising in the morning make the following acts:

1. O my God! I adore Thee. I love Thee with my whole heart, and thank Thee for all Thy benefits, particularly for having preserved me this night."

2. " I offer to Thee all that I shall do or suffer through out the day, in union with the actions and sufferings of Jesus and Mary, intending to gain all the indulgences in my power."

3. "I purpose, O Lord ! to avoid this day every offence against Thee ; but do Thou extend Thy protecting hand over me, that I may not betray Thee. Most Holy Mary, take me under thy protection. My angel guardian and patron saints, assist me."

Then say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Creed; with the Hail Mary three times in honor of the purity of the Blessed Virgin.


Take care to make half an hour's meditation as soon as possible in the day. For though meditation is not absolutely necessary, it is morally necessary, in order to obtain the grace of perseverance. Those who neglect it will find it very difficult to persevere in the grace of God.


Do not omit to hear Mass daily. But what is of the greatest importance is that those who hear Mass should make a special application to their own souls of the merits of the Passion of Jesus Christ. Mass should be heard for the same ends for which it was instituted; namely, 1. To honor Almighty God; 2. To thank him for his benefits; 3. To make atonement for the punishment due to our sins; 4. To obtain divine grace.


In addition to this, read some spiritual book for half an hour, or at least a quarter; and it will be best to make use of the lives of the saints.


Moreover, do not fail to pay every day a visit to the Most Holy Sacrament, when you should make at least the following acts: 1. "O Lord, I thank Thee for Thy love in leaving Thyself to me in this holy Sacrament;" 2. "With my whole heart I love Thee, O God! above all other good; and because I love Thee, I am sorry for all my offences against Thee, whether great or small;" 3. "I beseech Thee to grant me perseverance in Thy grace and Thy holy love." At the same time make a visit to our Blessed Lady, before one of her images, and beg of her also the same graces of perseverance and the love of God.


In the evening make the examination of conscience, and then add the Christian acts.


Frequent the holy sacraments of confession and Communion at least once a week, and oftener if possible.

After confession, thank Almighty God for the pardon which you hope to have received, and renew your good resolution never more to offend him, and to avoid all occasions of sin; and pray to Jesus and Mary for per severance.

As to the Holy Communion, we must know that it is the grand medicine, as the Council of Trent terms it, which purifies us from our daily venial faults, and preserves us from mortal ones. He who communicates most frequently will be freest from sin, and will make farthest progress in divine love; only let him communicate with a good desire.


It is well to make choice of a good confessor, and to follow his direction in all spiritual matters, and even in temporal matters of importance; nor should he be left without a good reason. St. Philip Neri spoke thus: "Let those who are desirous of advancing in the way of God put themselves under an enlightened confessor; and let them obey him, as occupying the place of God. Who-ever does this may feel assured that he will never have to render an account to God of what he does.

A general confession should be made, if it has not hitherto been made, for it is a most excellent means of bringing one's life into good order; and it is advisable to make it to the director himself, that he may be the better able to guide us.


Avoid idleness, dissipated companions, immodest con versations, and, more than all, evil occasions, especially where there is danger of incontinency; and for this rea son one cannot be too cautious in keeping one's eyes from dwelling on any dangerous objects. For a person that does not avoid the voluntary occasions of sin, especially those which have frequently proved fatal to his innocence, it is morally impossible to persevere in the grace of God: He that loves the danger shall perish in it?


In temptations trust not to yourself, nor to all the good resolutions and promises which you have made, but rely solely on the divine assistance; and for this reason have immediate recourse to God and the Blessed Virgin. Especially in temptations against purity, the greatest care must be taken not to remain to dispute with the temptation. In such moments some are accustomed to set their will to make acts of the contrary virtue; but they run considerable risk. The best plan to adopt on these occasions is to renew the firm purpose rather to die than to offend God, and forthwith to make the sign of the cross without remonstrance, and to call on God and the divine Mother, making frequent invocations of the most holy names of Jesus and Mary, which have a wonderful efficacy against filthy suggestions, and should therefore be invoked continually till the temptations are over. Of ourselves we have not strength to overcome the attacks of the flesh, our most cruel enemy; but God readily supplies the strength to all who ask him; but he that fails to do so, almost invariably falls a prey to the enemy. The same is to be observed in combating temptations against faith, protesting at such times, without remaining in dispute, that we are ready to die for the holy faith; and instead of then eliciting acts of faith, it is better to elicit other acts, as of love, contrition, and hope.


If you commit a venial fault, make an act of the love of God and of contrition, purpose of amendment, and forth with resume your wonted, tranquility. To remain troubled after a fault is the greatest fault that a person can commit, for a troubled soul is incapable of doing the least good. If, by mischance, the fault has been grievous, then immediately make an act of contrition (which is sufficient to recover the divine grace), resolve never to be guilty of the same again, and take the first opportunity of going to confession.


Endeavor to hear all the sermons in your power. And it would be most advisable to make a spiritual retreat once a year in some religious house; or if that be impracticable, at least in your own house, by applying yourself for eight days to prayer and spiritual reading. During this time all company and conversation on secular matters should be avoided. In like manner make a re treat of one day every month, with confession and Communion. If your state of life allow it, become a member of some confraternity in which the Sacraments are frequented, and there make your eternal salvation the grand and sole aim. Whoever enters a confraternity for the sake of managing, directing, or out of party spirit, will derive more harm than good from it. If a person would really profit by it, he must enter it solely with a view to his spiritual interests.


In all the vicissitudes of life, such as illnesses, losses, and persecutions, be ever mindful to bow with resignation to the will of God, and repose on these words: " God wills it so, and so I will it likewise." Or thus: "God will have it so; so be it done." He that behaves in this manner stores up immense rewards for heaven, and always lives in peace. On the contrary, he that refuses to bow to the will of God only redoubles his afflictions; for he must endure them whether he will or not; and, more over, by his impatience he lays up for himself an additional punishment.


Be especially careful to preserve a tender and marked devotion to most holy Mary, by performing daily in her honor some exercise of piety. Never omit — the first thing in the morning and the last at night — to say three times the Hail Mary in honor of her purity, imploring her to keep you from all sin. Read every day something, be it only a few lines, on the Blessed Virgin. Say her Litanies, and the Rosary, meditating on the mysteries. When you leave or enter the house, ask her blessing with a Hail Mary; and on passing by any of her images, salute her in the same way. When the clock strikes, say the Hail Mary; and then, "Jesus and Mary, I love you! Do not permit me to offend you." With the advice of your confessor, fast on Saturdays, on the vigils of the seven festivals of our Blessed Lady, and make the novenas for the said feasts, as also for Christmas, Pentecost, and for the feast of your patron saint.

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