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Writer's pictureEmily

Morning and Evening Prayers to the Infant Jesus

Updated: Apr 24

Morning Prayer to the Infant Jesus

Live Jesus! my life and my Love; may He live in me and love me, and may I live in Him and love Him in time and in eternity. Blessed be Jesus, the Son, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be praised by me, and by all creatures, now and forever.

I arise this day with Jesus, the most adorable Infant. May He bless me and keep me from all evil of body and soul, defending me from all enemies, visible and invisible.

O Jesus, to Thee I call at the break of day, because Thou art my God and my Lord, my Almighty Creator, and my most gracious Redeemer and Savior.

As in the morning-watches of Bethlehem Thy angels

 visited Thee, O Divine Infant, and sang to Thee meet hymns of praise, so also, dearest Jesus, I come to Thee in the early morning to offer Thee praise, honor, and glory.

To Thee, a poor Infant, the poor shepherds brought their little gifts, and Thou wast well pleased with them. O little Child and great God, I, a poor sinner, lay at Thy Sacred Feet, as a morning offering, all my thoughts, words, and deeds of this day, with all its sufferings, and all the acts and sufferings of my whole life.

In Thy most Holy Name I will begin, continue, and end this day. O Jesus, I will write Thy Holy Name on my eyes, that I may see nothing that is idle, or sinful, or that might be displeasing to Thee; upon my mouth, that I may speak nothing but what is agreeable to Thee; upon my heart, that it may remain free from all evil desires, and be cleansed from all evil thoughts.

To Thee, O my Jesus, I give my body and my soul; to Thee I surrender my understanding, memory, and my will — all my senses. Oh, do not permit me to offend Thee mortally today, or ever; I promise Thee to consent to no sin.

I wish to be a partaker today, and always, in all the indulgences that I can gain, in all the holy Masses said, in all the good works that are performed. Do Thou supply what is wanting to my weak will.

O Jesus, I believe in Thee; O Jesus, I hope in Thee; I love Thee as the fairest and most perfect good. I repent of all my sins, because they have distressed Thee, and, with the help of Thy holy grace I will nevermore offend Thee willingly.

I thank Thee for all the graces and benefits I have received. In all my needs I will call on Thee. 

O Mary, Mother of mercy, holy Jos-eph, and all Saints, pray for me. Holy Angel, guard me. May the day begin in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.

Evening Prayer to the Infant Jesus

Sweetest Jesus, how many thanks do I not owe Thee! Thou hast not only delivered me today from many dangers, but Thou hast showered on me fresh benefits. For all, I thank Thee with my whole heart.

O Light of the world, that enlightenest all darkness, enlighten my eyes through the coming night, that the enemy of man may not overcome me. In the silence of the night, O Jesus, because it was the will of Thy Heavenly Father, Thou wast obliged to leave Thy home in order that Herod might not harm Thee.

Dear Infant, as Herod persecuted Thee, so does the infernal Herod pursue me night and day in order to deprive me of eternal life.

As Thou didst have Joseph, and Mary, and the Holy Angels for Thy companions, so let me also have a heavenly guardian. O dearest Child Jesus, do not leave me without Thy protection this night.

Represent to Thy Heavenly Father what Thou didst bear for me in Thy most holy childhood, that, for Thy sake, He may be gracious and merciful to me.

Remember not the sins of which I have been guilty this day, and all through my life, and of which I heartily repent through pure love of Thee.

I recommend myself, body and soul, to Thy most loving Heart. Because I cannot praise and glorify Thee in my sleep, let Thy Divine Heart do for me what I cannot do for myself. I will praise and thank Thee with every pulse- beat, O Most Holy Trinity!

I will sleep this night with the intention Thou didst have, O Jesus, when, according to the good pleasure of Thy Heavenly Father, Thou didst sleep on the hard straw of the manger. Dearest Infant Jesus, give me Thy blessing. May God the Father bless me, together with the Son and the Holy Spirit, to whom be praise, glory, and thanksgiving now and for all eternity.

Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, through this Thy victorious title deliver me from sudden death and all ill.

O Jesus, Eternal Truth, I believe in Thee and in all that Thy Holy Roman Church proposes for my belief.

I hope in Thy limitless mercy and all the merits of Thy infancy.

I repent of all my sins.

 I thank Thee for all graces and benefits: I submit myself entirely to Thy holy will. 

I pray to Thee who, under the form of a little Child, art my hidden God and my Lord; I praise Thee, I bless Thee. 

May the Holy Angels supply what is wanting in my prayer and what I cannot give.

Mary, Mother of mercy and grace, guard me this night, and at the hour of death. St. Joseph, patron of the Church, be also my patron. Do not forsake me in need or danger.

Dear Angel Guardian, stay by my side; all ye saints, watch over me.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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