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Writer's pictureEmily

How to Start Your Day According to St. Francis de Sales

Get Enough Sleep & Rise Early "We should make use of the night for sleep, each one according to his constitution, so far as is necessary for being usefully awake during the day. And I think there is virtue in the care which we take to go to bed betimes in the evening, in order to awake and rise early in the morning. Certainly, the early morning is the most beautiful, the most agreeable, and the least distracted time of the day; the very birds do then invite us to awake and praise God; so that early rising is helpful both to health and to holiness."

Five Things to Prepare for the Day: 1. Thank God and adore Him profoundly for preserving you during the past night.

2. Consider that the present day is given to you that you may gain the future day of eternity and make a firm resolution to employ the day well. 3. Forecast what affairs, what intercourse and what occasions you may meet with during the day to serve God, and what temptations may befall you to offend Him. For example, if I foresee that I shall have to treat of some matter with a person who is passionate and quick-tempered, not only will I resolve to refrain from anything that may offend Him, but I will prepare mild words to prevent his anger.

4. This done, humble yourself before God, and as if you were holding your heart in your hands, offer it to Him, imploring Him to take it under His protection.

5. Invoke Our Lady, your good Angel, and the Saints, that they may assist you.

But all these spiritual actions should be done briefly and fervently, before you leave your room, if it be possible; so that by means of them, all that you do throughout the day may be watered with the blessing of God.

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