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Writer's pictureEmily

A Prayer for a Wisely Ordered Life by St. Thomas Aquinas

Grant, O merciful God, that I may ardently desire, prudently investigate, truthfully perceive, and perfectly fulfill those things which are pleasing to You, to praise and glorify Your name.

O, my God, put order in my life; grant that I may know what You demand of me, and that I may do it in a manner fitting and useful to my soul.

Grant, O Lord, that I may not fail You in prosperity or adversity; that when things go well, I may not be proud, and when things go wrong, I may not be depressed.

May I rejoice in nothing except what leads to You, nor be saddened except by what leads away from You.

May I not seek to please anyone, nor fear to displease anyone, except You.

May all transitory things seem worthless to me, O Lord, and all eternal things be dear to me.

May every joy without You weary me, and may I desire nothing beside You.

May work done for You, O Lord, delight me; may all response without You be wearisome to me.

Grant, O my God, that I direct my heart to You; and in failure grieve constantly with the purpose to amend.

Make me, O Lord my God, obedient without contradiction, poor without dejection, chaste without corruption, patient without murmuring, humble without pretense, cheerful without dissipation, serious without sternness, active without levity, fearful of You without despair, truthful without duplicity.

Make me do good without presumption, correct my neighbor without pride, edify him by my work and example without hypocrisy.

Give me, O Lord God, an ever watchful heart, which no overcautious speculation may lead away from You; a noble heart, which no unworthy affection may draw downwards; a right heart, which no wrong intention may turn aside; a firm heart, which no tribulation may break; a free heart which no vehement affection may claim.

Bestow on me, O Lord my God, a mind which knows You, a diligence which seeks You, a wisdom which finds You, a manner of acting which pleases You, a perseverance which confidently awaits You, a trust which finally embraces You.

Grant that I may suffer Your punishments here through repentance, make use of Your favors on the way through grace, and possess perfectly Your joys in heaven through glory.  Who lives and reigns God, world without end. Amen.

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